Why Take a Teacher Training Course?
A Teacher Training certification allows you to gain experience in English teaching even before going into the classroom. Reputable courses outline all skills necessary to learn the language: reading, writing, speaking and listening. As an English teacher, you will finish the course feeling more than capable to embark the ever changing needs of your students. Career opportunities are extensive for the certificate holder. Jobs can be found in private business schools, larger or small language centers, international schools, private one on one tutoring, and some public schools. Just one of the advantages of holding a certification is having the ability to apply to different countries, especially when a contract with one country is finished. Certificates from accredited institutions are acknowledged around the world and can transfer over for use in any context and in any country.
TEFL Versus Work Abroad
Teaching English is a job that one can be proud of versus working your way abroad as restaurant help. Teaching English as a Foreign Language grants you the opportunity to land better positions and develop the skills necessary for promotions. Working in travel and tourism is very low paying, the jobs can be monotonous, as well as, thankless, and most opportunities are entry-level types with very little room for promotions. On the other hand, English instructors are looked up to by their pupils and being involved in the learning process is neither predictable nor boring. The pay scale for an English teacher can vary from place to place, but salaries are enough so that he or she is able to live comfortably and on time off can travel around. Having a rewarding position where results are obvious and a comfortable lifestyle filled with adventure are good ways to start.
Who Takes Teaching English as a Foreign Language Course?
Trainees come from many different of backgrounds and have a wide range of experience. They are usually ready to re-charge an unsatisfying career, lifestyle, or perhaps is just ready to begin a career. They may also be a new retiree ready to merge in work experience with travel and adventure. Commonalities amongst all studying TEFL is the willingness to change, to feed a vital interest, to grow in perception, to be courageous in learning about the unknown, and to be flexible with planning approaches.
When to Take the Course?
A good time to get certified is completely up to the individual. It is advised, for example, when the student has a gap year to fulfill some travel aspirations before going back to more years of study. This not only merges the chance of becoming a part of a fascinating new culture, but it is also an opportunity to gain experience in a professional field. Professionals, who feel overwhelmed in their career, can take a course as a way to ease the pressure of their environment. Someone who does not feel valued in the corporate world due to lack of opportunities, would be a possible candidate for the course. Being certified offers the successful teacher enormous flexibility at work with any hours of choice and with independence of the corporate drone culture. EFL/ESL teaching can be a breath of fresh air for the office employee who has very little human interaction. The teacher creates his or her own terms of success!
Holding a Certification
The English teaching market is extremely competitive. For instance, every advertised English teaching position is estimated to have a minimum of 60 applicants. The certification is crucial for the developing English teaching market. Also, there are some language schools that demand college or university degrees. The higher qualifications that the teacher has, the better the job offers, benefits, and salaries will have.
Teaching Abroad On Your Resume
Individuals teaching English abroad can include each job experience obtained to his or her resume which, is in itself, an impressive venture. Having the courage to move to a different country and taking such a big risk, shows potential employers that you possess huge capabilities. One of the strongest impressions that an overseas teaching position can demonstrate, is that the English teacher is not afraid of change and of being fully dedicated to a job.