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International Teacher Training Organization

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International Teacher Training Organization

Tel: +52 (33) 3658-5858
Tel: +52 (33) 3614-3800
Tel: +52 (33) 1522-6997

Teaching Englishas A Second Language

What is Teaching English as a Second Language?


If you have ever thought that you would enjoy teaching or have pondered the thrill of visiting other countries, then you might want to consider teaching English as a second language. The phrase is basically used to describe the experience of teaching English to people for whom English is not their native language. Sometimes the acronym TESL is used to name this field of work. This literal definition is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding what TESL means.
For the most part, if you can speak and write English well, you will be able to teach English. In fact, some teachers are not native speakers. Once you have gained a good grasp of English, you may have the skills and knowledge necessary to share the language with others. Many potential employers will ask you for credentials, such as completion of a certification program. Once you have prepared yourself to teach, you could find opportunities in many exciting areas of teaching English as a second language.
You could choose to teach it to immigrants in your own country or you could travel to another country and teach adults or children there. Most of the teaching opportunities take place in countries other than those in countries where English is the primary language. Some teaching opportunities happen in schools while other classes are held in private settings or as part of a business program.
What exactly would your responsibilities be when teaching English as a second language?
Some of the duties you may hold include preparing lesson material, holding classes, providing feedback on the students’ work, and coming up with activities to enhance the learning experience. Many of the teaching programs used by TESL instructors include books, visual aids, and role-playing exercises. An emphasis on developing dialogue skills, listening and speaking abilities, as well as reading and writing proficiency, is part of just about any TESL program.
There are several different reasons that lead people to want to learn English. Some individuals hope to develop the ability to have conversations in the language and other people hope to improve their ability to work in a global setting. Others want to attend an international school or get a foot in the door with an organization that works all over the world. Researchers and scientists often learn English in order to publish their writings and reports. Just as with other job positions, the specific responsibilities can vary from one placement to another. In the end, when you engage in teaching English as a second language, you will participate in life-changing experiences. Why wait? Find out how you can get started today.
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