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International Teacher Training Organization

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International Teacher Training Organization

Tel: +52 (33) 3658-5858
Tel: +52 (33) 3614-3800
Tel: +52 (33) 1522-6997


Teach English in Canada


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Teaching English in Canada

The cost of living in Canada is quite steep and every consumer item is subject to a general sales tax of 6%. Apartments rent from $500 USD to $1200 USD per month, dependent upon city and area. The English teacher can make from $15 USD to $20 USD per hour.

Due to a considerable amount of immigration there are many private run language schools in Canada. Immigration laws are quite stringent so red tape for the foreigner must be arranged in advance. Approval is contingent upon each individual country’s arrangement with Canada; for example, certain placements give an allotted amount of permissible positions. Some companies may help with the paper work if one possesses experience combined with credentials.

Traveling to Canada

Canada is the second largest country in the world and has an estimated population of 33 million people. Canada is a country extremely rich in natural resources, especially timber and fresh water. One of the world’s natural wonders are the five great lakes which comprise the largest fresh water supply available and the other of note are the two parallel mountain ranges of the Rockies and the Coastal parameters. The climate in Canada is extreme and regional. Temperatures range from lows of minus 10 F in the long winter months to highs of 90 F in the short summer. Ethnicity is varied; however, approximately 28% are from U.K. descent, 23% French, all other parts of Europe 15%, 2% Native and all other of mostly Asian descent. The system of government is parliamentary, with strong French representation. A representative of the British monarchy lives in the House of Commons and acts as a consult to the Prime Minister. Canada is a bilingual country with English and French equally being official languages. Economically, the country thrives based upon its export of natural resources, its industrial output and advanced technology. The currency is the Canadian dollar and it trades at approximately 1.037 to 1 US dollar.

Canada was first inhabited by native peoples in all regions. In the early 15th century the French explorer Jacques Cartier discovered the eastern sea board and made a small settlement there. By the early 17th century, the Hudson Bay area was occupied by a group of British fur traders. The nation was then divided into two parts; Upper and Lower Canada. Interestingly, the country was invaded by the United States in 1812, but with the help of the native people the invaders were defeated. The birth of the country became official in 1867 with the building of the Canadian National Railway which went from coast to coast.

Canadians are known to be very amiable, friendly people who are quite intrigued by other cultures. Canadians care about the environment which is reflected by how clean the streets are. Many laws exist to protect nature and the government plays a large role in enforcing these.

There are activities to do for both outdoor enthusiasts and for those who prefer the city environment. Toronto is known as the heart of the country and is set on one of the Great Lakes in the province of Ontario. The city has a quick pace and is home to many museums, galleries, parks, and the famous CN Tower, the tallest free standing building in the world. Quebec City is recognized as one the most European influenced city in North America. The architecture is French Colonial with cobble stoned walkways and if the visitor is expecting to hear people speak English they will be quite surprised to find that the French language dominates.

Montreal is Quebec’s largest city, it is set along the beautiful St. Lawrence Seaway and is host to some of the most interesting summer festivals. Unless the traveler is interested in winter sports the best time to visit is in the summer months. The winters there reach arctic temperatures. Vancouver, British Columbia on the western coast of the country is truly one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is set amongst the coastal mountains, the Pacific Ocean and the northern rain forest.

Whistler, British Colombia is an hour drive away along the sea to sky highway and boasts world class skiing and breath taking hiking trails. Outdoor enthusiasts will think they have died and gone to heaven with skiing, snowboarding, surfing, biking, hiking, kayaking, rollerblading, sailing, and fishing all in one place along side the city life.


